bereichert unser Sein, wird von jedem selbst definiert und basiert auf einer psychologisch und spirituellen, tieferen Ebene.
Psychotherapie bietet Unterstützung und steigert das Wohlbefinden für verschiedene emotionell, psychologisch oder spirituell, verwurzelte Symptome. Psychotherapie muss nicht schmerzvoll sein, sondern kann sich inspirierend und ermutigend auf Seele, Geist und Körper auswirken.
Alle professionellen Therapiesitzungen unterliegen der Schweigepflicht und können nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung an eine dritte Person weitergegeben werden oder wenn die Person sich selbst order andere gefährden würde.
Anita Jung, LPA, LPC-S arbeitet als approbierte Psychotherapeutin in den USA, ist die Präsidentin der Central Texas Society of Clinial Hypnosis und ehemalige Präsidentin der American Society of Clinial Hypnosis. Sie verbindet Prinzipien der Hypnotherapie nach Milton H. Erickson und Ansätze lösungsorientierter Kurzzeittherapie mit der Psychotherapie der Selbstbeziehung nach Stephen Gilligan. Unter der Leitung von Stephen Gilligan und Jeffrey Zeig hat sie gelernt, ihre eigene Art von Selbstbeziehung und Ericksonscher Trance zu entwicken. Als Studentin von Alexander Lowen setzt sie Bioenergetische Analyse gezielt ein um Mind-Body Heilkräfte zu fördern. Ausserdem leitete sie ein Team von Psychologen in einer Beratungsstelle in Austin, Texas für über 20 Jahre und ist als internationale Seminarleiterin bekannt.
Anita Jung befasst sich mit der Zusammenführung von Psychologie, Hypnose und Musik, Philosophie, Wissenschaft und Religion, den Erfahrungen der Mystiker und der Meditation mit denen der modernen Forschung. Ihre CDs sind in den USA und in Deutschland erhältlich. Ihr Denken fußt auf den Ideen von Milton H. Erickson, Alexander Lowen, Carl Jung, Roberto Assagioli und verschiedenen Vertretern der postmodernen, postmetaphysischen und postrationalen Spiritualität des Neo-Perennialism (in Abgrenzung zur eigentlichen Philosophia perennis).
“Was auch immer hinter uns liegt und was auch immer vor uns liegt sind nur kleine Dinge im Gegensatz zu dem, was in uns liegt.”
Anita Jung bietet Therapien zur Behandlung folgender Symptome an:
Psychotherapie bei Anita Jung beruft sich auf den Ansätzen von Milton H. Erickson und auf lösungs-und resourccenorientierten Grundsätzen, die post-moderne Prinzipien miteinschliessen und wiederum auf der fundamentalen Basis begründet sind, dass jede Person ihr/sein eigenes Individuum und Kapazität in ihrem/seinem Leben ist. Deshalb wird die Therapie gezielt darauf angesetzt die eigenen Resourccen, Stärken und inneren Talente zu utilisieren. Die Arbeit des/r Psychologen/in beruht sich darauf innere Resourccen anzuregen um die Person sanft in die jeweilige Richtung zu führen, die von der Person als Ziel zu Anfang der Therapie definiert wurde. Psychotherapie kann als ein therapeutisches eigenständiges Unternehmen angesehen werden, dass sich darauf beruht innere Ressourcen zu motivieren um eine spirituelle Fusion zwische Psyche und Geist anzuregen.
Anita Jung bietet Beratung und Coaching für Fach- und Führungskräfte sowie Coaching von Sportlern und Künstlern, die ihre Potentiale und Möglichkeiten optimal nutzen wollen. In diesem Ansatz kombiniert sie lösungs- und ressourcenorientierte Methoden mit einer systemischen Perspektive, die hilft, die eigenen Fähigkeiten abgestimmt auf die jeweiligen Kontextbedingungen gezielt und effektiv zur Wirkung zu bringen.
Falls mindestens drei der Symptome sich in ihrem Leben vorfinden, sollten Sie wissen, dass es Unterstützung für Sie gibt. Einige der Symptome sind vielleicht chronische Angewohnheiten, die sich in konstruktive Lösungen verwandeln können. Manchmal fühlen Sie sich vielleicht deprimiert oder mutlos oder Sie fühlen sich ängstlich. Entscheiden Sie sich einfach dazu, diesen Symptomen ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf andere Art und Weise zu widmen.
In Linden, J. H., De Benedittis. G., Sugarman, L., & Varga, K. (Eds.). The Routledge International Handbook of Clinical Hypnosis. Taylor and Francis Group.
In Kaiser Rekkas, A. (Ed). Hypnose und Hypnotherapie – Modul 1: Grundkurs: MANUAL FÜR PRAXIS, FORTBILDUNG UND LEHRE. 2nd edition. Carl-Auer Verlag: Heidelberg
Kapitel 6: Die Sprache der Hypnose. Kapitel 6.11, Seite 153 - 158
ISBN 978-3-8497-0390-5
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, DOI: 10.1080/00029157.2023.2301536
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 65:1, 72-73, DOI: 10.1080/00029157.2022.2066429
Anita Jung bietet Beratung und Coaching für Fach- und Führungskräfte sowie Coaching von Sportlern und Künstlern an, die ihre Potentiale und Möglichkeiten optimal nutzen wollen. In ihrem Ansatz kombiniert sie lösungs- und ressourcenorientierte Methoden mit einer systemischen Perspektive, die hilft, die eigenen Fähigkeiten abgestimmt auf die jeweiligen Kontextbedingungen gezielt und effektiv zur Wirkung zu bringen.
Alle meine Workshops und Seminare berufen sich auf den Ansätzen von Milton H. Erickson und auf lösungs-und resourccenorientierten Grundsätzen, die post-moderne Prinzipien miteinschliessen und wiederum auf der fundamentalen Basis begründet sind, dass jede Person ihr/sein eigenes Individuum und Kapazität in ihrem/ seinem Leben ist. Deshalt wird die Therapie gezielt darauf angesetzt die eigenen Resourccen, Stärken und inneren Talente zu utilisieren. Die Arbeit des/r Psychologen/in beruht sich darauf innere Resourccen anzuregen um die Person sanft in die jeweilige Richtung zu führen, die von der Person als Ziel zu Anfang der Therapie definiert wurde. Psychotherapie kann als eine therapeutische Enterprise angesehen werden, die sich darauf beruht innere Ressourcen zu motivieren um eine spirituelle Fusion zwische Psyche und Geist anzuregen.
Im Leben gibt es immer Zeiten der Freude, der Stille, der Geduld, der Trauer und Zeiten der dankbaren Erinnerung. Sich von einem geliebten Menschen verabschieden und den Verlust verarbeiten zu müssen, gehört zu den schmerzlichsten Situationen, mit denen wir im Leben konfrontiert werden.
Der Verlust eines geliebten Menschen kann unsere Seele zeitweise aus der Balance bringen, unser Leben scheint sich zu verlangsamen und die Freude am Leben schwindet. Trauer kennt keinen Terminkalender und keine Landkarte. Jeder verarbeitet einen solchen Verlust auf seine eigene Art und Weise.
Mithilfe dieser CD können Sie tröstend in das Dunkel Ihrer Trauer leuchten und nach einer Weile wieder anfangen, neue Lebenskraft zu schöpfen. Bitte machen Sie es sich bequem, nehmen Sie sich genügend Zeit, und hören Sie sich die ganze CD an, um einen wirksamen Effekt zu erreichen. Sie können sich die CD beliebig oft anhören und werden dabei bemerken, dass Sie immer wieder neue Passagen entdecken, die Sie auf Ihrer Reise zurück ins Leben weiterbringen werden.
In einer gelungenen Kombination von Sprache und Musik vermittelt Anita Jung den Zugang zu Entspannung und Trancezuständen. Trance wirkt auf einer tiefen, inneren Ebene. So kann sich ein allgemeiner Zustand des Wohlbefindens und einer gesteigerten Kreativität einstellen. Die Texte der CD helfen, bisherige Erfahrungen, Ressourcen, Erinnerungen, die eigene Kreativität und Fantasie zu aktivieren und mit ihnen zu geeigneten Lösungen von Problemen zu gelangen.
“Ich finde Anita Jungs CD innovativ, effektiv und meisterlich gemacht, ein beispielhaftes Exemplar von therapeutischer Hypnose im höchsten Grad; sehr empfehlenswert für meine Klienten und Studenten. Ich bin seit langem auf der Suche nach einer CD, die in innovativer Weise eine Ahnung von Trancezuständen vermittelt und die ich weiterempfehlen kann. Für Anita Jungs CD trifft genau das zu!” - Stephen Gilligan, Ph.D.
Trance ist eines der ältesten Heilverfahren der Menschheit. In Trance kann man sich tief entspannen und erholen, Ängste vermindern, Leistung steigern, Schmerzen lindern oder ganz beheben und Perspektiven verändern. Geschichten erwärmen unser Herz, inspirieren unsere Träume und wecken unsere Kreativität und Leiden-schaft für das Leben.
In der Kombination mit exotischer Musik verbinden die Trancegeschichten dieser CD die heilsame Kraft der Trance mit der Weisheit der erzählten Geschichten. Sie stärken das innere Selbstwertgefühl und helfen, in der Privatsphäre des Innenlebens neue Lösungswege zu erforschen und sie in aller Ruhe zu beschreiten. Man fühlt sich wohler, erfrischt und gestärkt.
Zur Anwendung bei Angstzuständen, Depression, Krisen, Schlafproblemen, Stress, verminderter Entschlusskraft und zur Förderung innerer Balance.
Mittagstrance mit live Musik
Kongress: 6. Kindertagung: "Hypnotherapeutische und systemische Konzepte für die Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen", Heidelberg
29. Oktober- 01. November 2009
44 Minuten - Audio CD
Gruppen-Induktion mit exotischer Musik - nach Ericksonscher Art und Weise. Trance mal so richtig tief erleben und sich dabei völlig entspannen zu können, ist das Motto dieser Trancereise. Erforschen Sie Ihre innere, sich immer wieder verändernde Wirklichkeit. Begeben Sie sich auf eine Reise in eine Trance, die älteste Tiefenschichten im Inneren zum Schwingen bringt; eine Trance, die Sie dabei begeistert und dazu anregt zur inneren Stille zu finden und dabei zauberhafte inspirierende Bilderwelten evoziert.
Anita Jung, is the founder of the Jung Wellness Institute and an internationally acclaimed lecturer, trainer, and business consultant. Anita holds a degree in Counseling Psychology, has traveled extensively and is well versed in cultural implications of leaving one’s homeland and family. She brings her wealth of experience to her psychotherapy sessions, audio recordings, lectures, consultations, and workshops.
Originally from Europe, she resides in the United States. She is a proponent for innovative, transformative care combining traditional and non-traditional mind-body approaches. Her work in community collaborations is extensive and taps into the world of the arts to inspire change and sustain a healthy state of living. Her creativity spans from her work with her clients to creating and publishing several musical, hypnotherapeutic CDS.
Anita specializes in mind-body approaches, Ericksonian hypnotherapy, Family therapy, and Brief Therapy approaches. She began her career studying Bioenergetics Analysis with Alexander Lowen and post-modern approaches to counseling with Insoo Kim Berg and Michael White until she became inspired by Milton H. Erickson approaches. Her teachers include Stephen Gilligan, Jeffrey Zeig and Bill O'Hanlon amongst many other European mentors. Anita is known internationally for incorporating music as a tool in hypnotic work, not to be defined as music therapy, yet, rather as an active co-therapist in the utilization of hypnosis and other therapeutic approaches.
Anita served as the Division Director for Counseling and Psychiatric Services at a prominent local non-profit organization for twenty years. She has developed, transformed, and implemented various therapeutic/behavioral health programs such as youth and adult counseling, psychiatric services, supervised visitation programs for families, family violence intervention groups, and combining counseling with drumming or aerial dance. The Shared Psychiatric Services program won an achievement award by the American Psychiatric Association for "A Family-Focused Partnership to Engage High-Risk Children and Adolescents in Service."
“As a practicing licensed professional counselor, I often need to explain that life, not just therapy, is a process. I often need to explain that hearing the stories in my office does not bring me down, rather that I find all stories inspirational because I know that wellness and joy are right around the corner. My life as a psychotherapist has created a clientele in three normally mutually exclusive areas: the psychological worlds of inner and philosophical enquiry that most psychotherapists inhabit, the transformative world of music, poetry, and the arts, and the world of vocation, work and organizational leadership. As the founder of the Jung Wellness Institute I am dedicated to tapping into each person’s world view and talents to support their growth and development”.
I am a Graduate Student under Supervision working in collaboration with counselors at the Jung Wellness Institut. I am enrolled in a a Masters of Science Program with the focus in Systemic Psychotherapy. I am fluent in English and Germany languages and can provide services in both language.
My main interest and focus includes working with children and youth. I have gained tremendous insight and knowledge over the years working in professional and practicum settings. As a Graduate student I am also required to engage in personl work which has provided me insight into the life and work of a client.
I work from the belief that the human body and mind work together and constantly strive to find an inner peace and balance through self-healing. I see my role as a counselor to help you create insight and self-awareness, to facilitate the healing process, and to support you on your journey to finding your strengths and talents and guide you to joyful living. I utilize not only traditional talk therapy in my work with clients but also systems based therapy techniques and hypnosis.
Adult and adolescence individual therapy addresses the following challenges through interpersonal therapy and body-mind techniques:
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Wishing is not enough; we must do.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Trained in Counseling Psychology and Life Coaching, I hold a Masters Degree and three Life Coaching Certificates and would like your journey in coaching to be specific and memorable. As a facilitator for change, I will be using cognitive education techniques designed to help you acquire different perspectives on your challenges, hurdles, or problems. Since life coaching is an accountability-based alliance that cores on the fulfillment of positively framed outcomes, its nature is educational and motivational. It is not counseling nor psychotherapy.
When working together, we will be using tools that will provide you with new perspectives through the process of forming, reaching and surpassing goals in both your personal and professional life. It is my intention to propel you into the future with renewed confidence and zest. My goal is to empower you to take over your life by looking at tangible options and using available choices.
I am looking forward to motivate and assist you on your journey into the future.
“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” Nelson Mandela.
Hypnosetherapie ist die älteste Heilmethode der Menschheit, die sich mentaler Techniken bedient, um leib-seelische Prozesse zu beeinflussen. Schon die Höhlenzeichnungen des urzeitlichen Menschen weisen auf hypnotische Gruppenrituale hin. Im schamanistischen Heilwesen der Naturvölker findet Ähnliches statt. Schriftliche Aufzeichnungen über hypnotische Heilrituale sind bereits aus den ersten Hochkulturen (Mesopotamien, Ägypten) überliefert.
Im Heilwesen der Antike waren hypnotische Techniken in Form des „Tempelschlafes“ verbreitet. Mit seiner Hilfe wurden heilsame Zustände erzeugt und therapeutische Suggestionen vermittelt. Nach dem Niedergang dieser Kulturen überdauerten hypnotische Behandlungsformen in den Zeremonien der Mönchsärzte, in Klöstern und Wallfahrtstätten.
Mit dem Aufkommen der Naturwissenschaften kam es zu einer Neu- interpretation der Hypnose. Zuerst wurde sie als Auswirkung eines „animalischen Magnetismus“ (Mesmer) gesehen. Im 19. Jahrhundert setzten sich schließlich psychologische Konzepte durch: Die geistig - psychischen Funktionen des Menschen stellten sich als Basis und entscheidende Wirkfaktoren der Hypnose heraus. Hypnose leistete damit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Entwicklung der Psychologie als einer Wissenschaft. Gleichzeitig lieferte Sie wichtige Grundlagen und Bausteine für viele der heute gängigen Psychotherapiemethoden.
Als eine eigenständige Therapieform wurde die Hypnosetherapie im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert abwechselnd sehr populär und dann wieder zurück gedrängt. Um 1950 setzte verstärkt Hypnoseforschung nach modernen Standard ein und es kam zur Neufundierung der Hypnose als ein wissenschaftlich begründetes, hochwirksames Therapieverfahren. Diese moderne Hypnotherapie ist eng verbunden mit den Arbeiten des amerikanischen Psychologen und Facharztes für Psychiatrie, Milton H. Erickson. Die maßgeblich von ihm beeinflusste „Klinische Hypnose“ bzw. die Ericksonsche Hypnotherapie gilt international als der State of Art.
Hypnotherapie ist eine erwiesenermaßen effektive Methode (Grawe, Donati & Bernauer, 1994; Revenstorf & Prudlo, 1994). Die Fortbildungsseminare der Milton Erickson Gesellschaft für Klinische Hypnose (M.E.G.) werden von den Landesärzte- und Psychotherapeutenkammern anerkannt.
Family constellation (Familienaufstellung) was developed in Germany by Bert Hellinger who created a model that draws from traditions in family systems therapy, existential phenomenology, and the Zulu family traditions. When Hellinger studied the Zulu traditions he walked away with the essence of the following concepts that are deeply rooted in his work:
Bert Hellinger, who studied and treated families for more than 50 years, observed that many of us unconsciously take on destructive familial patterns of anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, aloneness, alcoholism and even illness as a way of "belonging" in our families. Bonded by a deep love, a child will often sacrifice his own best interests in a vain attempt to ease the suffering of a parent or other family member.
Hellinger coined the concept of “Orders of Love” in a systemic family sense, meaning that order in a family system must exist similar to the order experienced in nature. Order can be described as a natural pattern. One of the orders, for example, is that every member has a right to belong. If that order is respected harmony and love ensue. Negative consequences arise if the order is disrespected which may affect the family system for generations. Any trauma that is experienced in the family gets carried on to the next generations. Once a person accepts and understands and honors the order in the system, healing can take place.
During a constellation, the individual is invited by the facilitator to select representatives from the group to set up their family system/constellation. S/he then places these representatives in particular positions around the central working area. When complete, the individual converses with the facilitator and watches the process unfold. The aim for the representatives is to tune into the knowing field, much to what Einstein called the zero point field and Hellinger coined the knowing field. Facing and accepting everything the way it is, as it emerges, from the realm of observation and non-judgment, allows for insight into the true nature of reality and invites acceptance, and therefore, transformation.
Constellation work has to be experienced. One cannot learn or gain insights from reading it in books. Hellinger once said that “the spirit moves like wind.” He feels that whatever is written down loses its vitality, its basic connection to real life. Furthermore, it renders itself into fixed patterns and empty sentences and becomes oversimplified and generalized. He deeply feels that the world needs to be experienced as it is, as a lived, felt sense without any intention to change it. Developing a stance of acceptance and understanding is one of the core principles in his work.
While commonly practiced in group settings, Family Constellations can also be conducted one-on-one, providing a deeply personalized and focused approach to addressing specific issues within one's family system.
In individual sessions, the process typically involves:
Initial Assessment: The facilitator conducts an initial assessment session to understand the client's concerns, goals, and family dynamics.
Preparation: Before the session, the facilitator guides the client in exploring family history, identifying key family members or dynamics, and setting intentions.
Constellation Setup: Using objects or markers to represent family members and dynamics, the facilitator assists the client in setting up a visual representation of their family system.
Exploration and Dialogue: The facilitator guides the client through an exploration of family dynamics, uncovering underlying patterns, conflicts, and unresolved issues through dialogue and experiential techniques.
Resolution and Integration: Insights and resolutions emerge during the exploration process. The facilitator supports the client in integrating these insights, releasing energetic entanglements, and finding healing within the family system.
Integration and Follow-Up: After the session, the client may receive guidance on integrating insights into daily life. Follow-up sessions may be scheduled to support ongoing integration and personal growth.
Individual Family Constellations offer a personalized pathway to understanding, healing, and wholeness, addressing relationship issues, unresolved emotions, and facilitating personal growth. Explore further to learn how individual Family Constellations sessions can support your journey towards greater well-being.
Know that no matter what challenges you face within your life or family, healing is possible. With dedication, support, and the transformative power of Family Constellations, you can navigate through any difficulty and emerge stronger, wiser, and more whole. .
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Depression ist eine Erkrankung, die die Gefühlsseite des Seelenlebens betrifft und sich individuell in sehr unterschiedlicher Weise äußern kann. Bei einer Depression kommen immer mehrere Krankheitsmerkmale zusammen, man spricht i. d. R. von einem depressiven Syndrom. Falls Sie sich mit drei oder mehreren dieser Symptome identifizieren können, sollten Sie wissen, dass es auch für Sie Hilfe geben kann. Unser zentrales Nervensystem besteht aus mehreren Milliarden Nervenzellen, die in ihrer Gesamtheit, durch hochkomplizierte "Schaltpläne" untereinander vernetzt, alle unsere Körperfunktionen, unsere Bewegungen, unsere Wahrnehmung, unser Denken und Fühlen und noch einiges mehr steuern und verursachen.
Die einzelnen Nervenzellen stehen durch "elektronische Impulse" und durch bestimmte "Botenstoffe" untereinander in Verbindung. Eine Nervenzelle erzeugt einen elektrischen Impuls und schickt ihn über ihre Fortsätze wie durch ein Kabel an eine andere Nervenzelle.
Am Ende des Fortsatzes - oder besser gesagt der Nervenendigung - wird die elektrische Information - der Impuls - in eine chemische Information - zum Beispiel Serotonin und /oder Noradrenalin - umgewandelt. Diese Botenstoffe übertragen die Botschaft auf den Fortsatz einer anderen Nervenzelle wo sie - wieder in einen elektrischen Impuls umgewandelt - weitergeleitet wird. Bei der Depression findet man eine Störung der speziellen Botenstoffe Serotonin und Noradrenalin. Starke oder langandauernde psychische Belastungen, aber auch bestimmte körperliche Erkrankungen können die Balance dieser Botenstoffe durcheinanderbringen. Ein Mangel an Serotonin und Noradrenalin in dem Spalt zwischen den Nervenendigungen bewirkt Kommunikationsstörungen im Netzwerk des Nervensystems, die sich nach außen fortsetzen, und zeigt sich in den als Depression bekannten körperlichen und psychischen Veränderungen. Der beschriebene Mangel an Botenstoffen (Neurotransmittern) steht in enger Beziehung zu den äußeren Anzeichen einer Depression, wie der Einschränkung von Gestik und Mimik, der schlechteren Hautdurchblutung und den Appetitstörungen. Psychotherapie hilft Symptome zu erkennen und sie zu bewältigen. Hin und wieder helfen Medikamente die Heilung zu beschleunigen..
Anxiety, while often challenging, can also be viewed as a catalyst for growth and resilience. In the words of author and poet Rumi, "The wound is the place where the Light enters you." This sentiment reminds us that through our struggles, we have the opportunity to discover our inner strength and emerge with a deeper understanding of ourselves.
Despite the complexities of anxiety, there is hope. With the right support, tools, and interventions, individuals can learn to navigate their anxiety, cultivate resilience, and embrace life with renewed vitality. At our practice, we are committed to providing compassionate care and empowering you on your journey towards healing and reclaiming your life from the grip of anxiety.
What is Anxiety?
Everyone has experienced anxious feelings and sensations before especially when we encounter stressful situations. Intense anxiety, on the contrary, can go along with intense fear, apprehension, or dread when faced with mundane everyday events. Anxiety, a common experience for many, can vary from fleeting moments of apprehension to overwhelming episodes of intense fear and worry. When anxiety escalates, it can manifest as panic attacks, accompanied by distressing physical symptoms such as unease, heart palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, and shaking.
Who has Anxiety?
This condition is prevalent in society, with anxiety disorders ranking among the most common mental health issues in the United States. Women are particularly susceptible, experiencing anxiety disorders at nearly twice the rate of men. Adolescents are not exempt either, as anxiety can affect individuals as young as 13 years old.
What Causes Anxiety?
Anxiety can also be triggered by specific situations or circumstances. For example, children with Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) may experience anxiety as a symptom of their condition. Additionally, anxiety can arise naturally in response to sudden changes, illness, immune disorders, or shock, as the body's stress response system reacts to perceived threats.The core symptoms of anxiety often seem disproportionate to the actual situation, making it challenging to navigate daily life tasks like decision-making, work or school responsibilities, and maintaining social connections. Under intense levels of anxiety, individuals may suddenly experience panic attacks, further exacerbating their distress.
Anxiety can also be influenced by broader factors, including generational patterns and family dynamics. In some cases, anxiety may be passed down through generations as part of family constellations, where unresolved issues and traumas from previous generations manifest in the present. Understanding these intergenerational patterns can be crucial in addressing and healing anxiety within families.
The causes of anxiety are multifaceted, stemming from a complex interplay of psychosocial factors, such as childhood adversity, stress, or trauma, combined with genetic predispositions that lead to neurobiological and neuropsychological dysfunctions. Biological factors like genetics, hormonal imbalances, head injuries, substance abuse, and medication side effects can also contribute to anxiety.
Treatment for anxiety encompasses various approaches tailored to individual needs. Psychotherapy, including psychoeducation about the physiological aspects of anxiety and available treatment options, provides a foundation for understanding and regulating symptoms. Therapeutic interventions focus on equipping individuals with tools to regulate emotions and restore inner balance. In some cases, medication may be prescribed in conjunction with psychotherapy to alleviate symptoms.
Hypnosis has emerged as a highly effective adjunctive therapy for anxiety regulation, offering a unique pathway to accessing and transforming subconscious patterns contributing to anxiety. Moreover, integrating regular exercise, mindfulness practices, yoga, meditation, biofeedback, acupuncture, osteopathy, or homeopathy into treatment plans can further enhance overall well-being and resilience.
At our practice, we are dedicated to providing compassionate and comprehensive care to support individuals on their journey towards healing and reclaiming their lives from the grip of anxiety. We believe in a holistic approach that addresses the mind, body, and spirit, empowering individuals to cultivate resilience and embrace life with renewed vitality. Whether it's anxiety related to daily stressors, specific triggers like air travel, or deeply ingrained family patterns, we're here to help you navigate your journey towards inner peace and emotional well-being.
The following diaphragmatic breathing exercise is a little gift for you that can effectively engage your diaphragm, promote relaxation, and help alleviate symptoms of anxiety by calming your nervous system. Practice this exercise regularly to cultivate a sense of calm and inner peace in your daily life.
Find a comfortable and quiet place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes if it feels comfortable for you.
Place one hand on your chest and the other hand on your abdomen, just below your rib cage.
Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose for a count of 6, allowing your abdomen to expand as you fill your lungs with air. Feel your abdomen rise against your hand as you breathe in.
Hold your breath for a count of 3, maintaining a gentle and steady rhythm.
Exhale slowly and completely through your mouth for a count of 6, letting out all the air from your lungs. Feel your abdomen fall as you exhale.
Hold your breath again for a count of 3, maintaining a gentle pause.
Repeat this slow and rhythmic breathing pattern for several minutes, focusing your attention on the sensation of your breath moving in and out of your body.
This diaphragmatic breathing exercise can effectively engage your diaphragm, promote relaxation, and help alleviate symptoms of anxiety by calming your nervous system. You can practice this exercise regularly to cultivate a sense of calm and inner peace in your daily life.
As you engage in the diaphragmatic breathing exercise for relaxation and anxiety relief, we invite you to further enhance your experience by immersing yourself in soothing sensory stimuli available on our website.
On our homepage, you'll find calming music already playing in the background. Simply click on the sound icon to adjust the volume to your preference and let the gentle melody envelop you in a state of tranquility, fostering relaxation and mindfulness.
In addition to the calming music, you can also explore the visual offerings and watch the serene imagery of a horse gracefully walking across a calming pasture, symbolizing strength, freedom, and tranquility. Maybe, you can allow yourself to be captivated by this peaceful scene as you connect with the sense of serenity and grace it embodies.
Furthermore, you might want to immerse yourself in the mesmerizing beauty of falling leaves while you can experience the calming effect of watching these falling leaves dance and sway in the gentle breeze, reminding you of the natural cycles of life and the opportunity for renewal and transformation.
By combining diaphragmatic breathing with these immersive sensory experiences available on our website, you can deepen your relaxation practice and cultivate a profound sense of inner calm and well-being. Simply click on the sound icon to adjust the music, then explore the visual offerings of the horse and falling leaves to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and renewal.
"Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark." - Rabindranath Tagore
This quote by Rabindranath Tagore speaks to the power of faith and hope even in the midst of darkness and uncertaint. It reminds us that even when faced with challenges, we can find solace and strength in believing in the possibility of a brighter tomorrow. Like a bird that senses the dawn before it arrives, faith allows us to perceive light and possibility even in our darkest moments, guiding us towards a hopeful future.Remember, you are not alone in your journey. Together, we can navigate the challenges of anxiety and embark on a path of growth, transformation, and hope.
Discover the Power of Hypnosis for Chronic Pain Relief
Are you tired of living with chronic pain that just won't go away? Imagine a life where pain no longer dictates your every move, where you can enjoy activities without constantly worrying about discomfort. It's time to explore a revolutionary solution that offers hope and relief: hypnosis.
What is Chronic Pain Regulation?
Chronic pain, persisting for over six months, is a complex and debilitating condition that demands comprehensive treatment approaches. Traditional methods often fall short, leaving individuals searching for alternative therapies that offer effective relief without unwanted side effects.
The Transformative Potential of Hypnosis
Enter hypnosis – a powerful yet gentle approach to chronic pain management that has been gaining recognition and acclaim. Unlike medications or invasive procedures, hypnosis offers a safe and natural way to tap into your body's innate healing abilities.
How Does Hypnosis Work?
Hypnosis works by guiding individuals into a deep state of relaxation, where the mind becomes highly receptive to suggestions for pain relief. Through carefully crafted verbal cues, hypnosis helps rewire the brain's response to pain, promoting relaxation, comfort, and overall well-being.
Unlocking the Neurophysiological Pathways of Pain Relief
Recent research has shed light on the neurophysiological mechanisms behind hypnosis-induced pain relief. By modulating activity in key brain regions involved in pain perception and regulation, hypnosis offers a holistic approach to addressing chronic pain from its roots.
Why Choose Hypnosis for Chronic Pain Management?
Non-Invasive: Say goodbye to needles, surgeries, and medications with unwanted side effects. Hypnosis offers a gentle and non-invasive alternative for managing chronic pain.
Customized Solutions: Hypnosis sessions are tailored to your unique needs and preferences, ensuring a personalized approach to pain relief that addresses all aspects of your pain experience.
Empowering: Take control of your pain management journey with hypnosis. Learn self-hypnosis techniques that you can use anytime, anywhere, to alleviate discomfort and promote relaxation.
Experience the Difference with Hypnosis
Don't let chronic pain hold you back from living your best life. Embrace the power of hypnosis and discover a new path to pain relief and overall well-being. Whether you're dealing with fibromyalgia, arthritis, back pain, or any other chronic condition, hypnosis offers a beacon of hope for a brighter, pain-free future.
Ready to Regulate your Pain?
Take the first step towards regulating symptoms today. Explore the transformative benefits of hypnosis and embark on a journey towards lasting relief and renewed vitality. Your body deserves the best – let hypnosis unlock its full potential for healing and wellness.
Dreaming in Silence: Navigating Sleep, Dreams, and Hypnosis
In the quiet spaces between wakefulness and dreams, lies the realm of sleep—a sanctuary for rejuvenation and renewal. Yet, many wanderers find themselves adrift in the depths of poor sleep quality and restless nights. Traditional solutions, though well-intentioned, sometimes fall short, leaving behind shadows of side effects and incomplete relief. Yet, amidst the twilight, whispers of hypnosis suggest a gentle path toward restoring the harmony of sleep. In this exploration, we traverse the challenges of sleep's elusiveness, wander through the landscapes of common sleep disturbances, and uncover the quiet promise of hypnosis as a guiding light toward better sleep.
In the silent spaces of the night, poor sleep quality casts its shadow, affecting our physical vigor, mental clarity, and emotional resilience. It robs us of vitality, leaving us weary and drained. Chronic sleep troubles weave a tangled web, impairing our memory and clouding our thoughts, urging us to confront the disruption that lurks within.
Within the labyrinth of sleep, various specters haunt our nights—insomnia's relentless pursuit, apnea's stifled breath, narcolepsy's sudden embrace, and restless legs' ceaseless unrest. These nocturnal phantoms, with their distinct forms and unsettling echoes, converge upon a shared ground of disrupting our sleep's delicate balance, leaving us restless and yearning for peace.
Amidst the whispers of nightfall, hypnosis emerges as a silent guide, offering a pathway toward relaxation and tranquility. Through its gentle touch, it soothes our restless minds and unveils the hidden depths of our psyche, offering respite to the weary traveler and leading us toward the sanctuary of sleep. Hope emerge as research studies illuminate the potential of hypnosis to improve sleep quality. Participants, adorned with newfound satisfaction and ease, embark on a journey toward improved sleep, guided by the gentle embrace of hypnosis' touch.
As we stand at the threshold of discovery, the quest for better sleep beckons us forward. Through further exploration and integration of ancient wisdom with modern science, we chart a course toward a brighter dawn—a world where hypnosis illuminates the path toward restful slumber and vibrant well-being.
In the stillness of the night, sleep disorders cast their shadow upon our restless minds. Yet, amidst the darkness, hypnosis emerges as a beacon of hope—a silent guide leading us toward the shores of tranquility. Through relaxation, stress reduction, and the exploration of our innermost selves, hypnosis offers a gentle pathway toward better sleep and renewed vitality. As we journey through the night, invite yourself to embrace the quiet promise of mindfulness and hypnosis, weaving dreams of peaceful slumber into the fabric of our lives.
Living with chronic conditions often entails managing persistent symptoms, including pain, discomfort, and distress. While traditional medical treatments play a crucial role in managing chronic conditions, complementary approaches like hypnosis offer additional avenues for relief and improved quality of life.
Hypnosis provides a promising approach to pain regulation within the context of chronic conditions. By inducing a deeply relaxed state, hypnosis enables individuals to access their subconscious mind, where they can effectively modulate their perception of pain and promote pain relief.
One of the primary mechanisms by which hypnosis regulates pain is through altering the individual's perception of pain sensations. Through guided imagery, visualization, and suggestion, individuals can learn to focus their attention away from the sensation of pain and towards feelings of relaxation, comfort, or even numbness, thereby diminishing the intensity of pain experienced.
Moreover, hypnosis can influence the brain's perception and processing of pain signals, leading to changes in neural activity and pain perception. Research has shown that hypnosis can modulate brain regions associated with pain processing, resulting in reduced pain perception and increased pain tolerance.
Additionally, hypnosis can promote the release of endogenous opioids and other neurotransmitters involved in pain modulation. These natural pain-relieving substances help alleviate pain and induce feelings of well-being and relaxation.
By integrating hypnosis into a comprehensive treatment plan for chronic conditions, individuals can experience enhanced pain management, reduced reliance on medication, and improved overall functioning. Working with a qualified hypnotherapist, individuals can learn valuable techniques and strategies to regulate pain, enhance their quality of life, and reclaim control over their well-being.
If you're living with a chronic condition and experiencing persistent symptoms like pain, consider exploring hypnosis as a complementary approach to pain management. Embrace the power of hypnosis to transform your relationship with pain and embark on a journey towards greater comfort, resilience, and vitality.
Empowering Change: Integrative Approaches to Habit Control
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on habit control, where we explore the powerful combination of hypnosis, mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral techniques (CBT), and goal-setting strategies to help you reclaim control over your habits and lead a more fulfilling life. At [Your Therapy Practice Name], we believe in empowering individuals to break free from destructive habits and cultivate positive behavioral patterns through a holistic approach that addresses the min, body, and spirit.
Understanding Habit Control:
Habits are deeply ingrained behaviors that we often perform automatically, sometimes without even realizing it. While some habits are beneficial, others can be detrimental to our well-being, leading to stress, anxiety, and a sense of loss of control. Habit control involves identifying these patterns, understanding their triggers, and implementing strategies to modify or replace them with healthier alternatives.
The Integrative Approach:
Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that accesses the subconscious mind, where many habits originate. By guiding individuals into a state of deep relaxation, hypnosis can help uncover underlying beliefs and motivations driving the habit, while also suggesting positive changes. Through personalized hypnotherapy sessions, individuals can reprogram their subconscious mind to support their desired behavioral changes.
Mindfulness: Mindfulness practices involve cultivating present-moment awareness without judgment. By bringing attention to our thoughts, feelings, and sensations, mindfulness helps individuals become more conscious of their habits and the triggers that precede them. Through mindfulness meditation and techniques, individuals can develop greater self-awareness and emotional regulation, enabling them to respond to triggers with intention rather than reacting impulsively.
Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques (CBT): CBT is a widely used therapeutic approach that focuses on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and behaviors. By recognizing the connections between thoughts, emotions, and actions, individuals can learn to interrupt automatic habits and replace them with healthier responses. Through structured exercises and homework assignments, CBT empowers individuals to develop new coping strategies and problem-solving skills.
Goal-Setting: Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals is essential for habit control. By clarifying what they want to achieve and breaking it down into manageable steps, individuals can track their progress and stay motivated. Regularly reviewing and adjusting goals ensures continued growth and adaptation as individuals work towards lasting behavioral change.
We understand that overcoming habits can feel overwhelming at times. However, we believe that with the right support and guidance, positive change is not only possible but achievable. Our integrative approach to habit control combines evidence-based techniques with compassionate support, empowering individuals to break free from destructive habits and embrace healthier, more fulfilling lives.
When you're ready to take control of your habits and create lasting change, we're here to support you every step of the way. Contact us to learn more about our personalized habit control programs and start your journey towards a happier, healthier you. Remember, change is within reach, and together, we can make it happen.
Anita Jung, is the founder of the Jung Wellness Institute and an internationally acclaimed lecturer, trainer, and business consultant. Anita holds a degree in Counseling Psychology, has traveled extensively and is well versed in cultural implications of leaving one’s homeland and family. She brings her wealth of experience to her psychotherapy sessions, audio recordings, lectures, consultations, and workshops.
Originally from Europe, she resides in the United States. She is a proponent for innovative, transformative care combining traditional and non-traditional mind-body approaches. Her work in community collaborations is extensive and taps into the world of the arts to inspire change and sustain a healthy state of living. Her creativity spans from her work with her clients to creating and publishing several musical, hypnotherapeutic CDS.
Anita specializes in mind-body approaches, Ericksonian hypnotherapy, Family therapy, and Brief Therapy approaches. She began her career studying Bioenergetics Analysis with Alexander Lowen and post-modern approaches to counseling with Insoo Kim Berg and Michael White until she became inspired by Milton H. Erickson approaches. Her teachers include Stephen Gilligan, Jeffrey Zeig and Bill O'Hanlon amongst many other European mentors. Anita is known internationally for incorporating music as a tool in hypnotic work, not to be defined as music therapy, yet, rather as an active co-therapist in the utilization of hypnosis and other therapeutic approaches.
Anita served as the Division Director for Counseling and Psychiatric Services at a prominent local non-profit organization for twenty years. She has developed, transformed, and implemented various therapeutic/behavioral health programs such as youth and adult counseling, psychiatric services, supervised visitation programs for families, family violence intervention groups, and combining counseling with drumming or aerial dance. The Shared Psychiatric Services program won an achievement award by the American Psychiatric Association for "A Family-Focused Partnership to Engage High-Risk Children and Adolescents in Service."
“As a practicing licensed professional counselor, I often need to explain that life, not just therapy, is a process. I often need to explain that hearing the stories in my office does not bring me down, rather that I find all stories inspirational because I know that wellness and joy are right around the corner. My life as a psychotherapist has created a clientele in three normally mutually exclusive areas: the psychological worlds of inner and philosophical enquiry that most psychotherapists inhabit, the transformative world of music, poetry, and the arts, and the world of vocation, work and organizational leadership. As the founder of the Jung Wellness Institute I am dedicated to tapping into each person’s world view and talents to support their growth and development”.
I am a Graduate Student under Supervision working in collaboration with counselors at the Jung Wellness Institut. I am enrolled in a a Masters of Science Program with the focus in Systemic Psychotherapy. I am fluent in English and Germany languages and can provide services in both language.
My main interest and focus includes working with children and youth. I have gained tremendous insight and knowledge over the years working in professional and practicum settings. As a Graduate student I am also required to engage in personl work which has provided me insight into the life and work of a client.
I work from the belief that the human body and mind work together and constantly strive to find an inner peace and balance through self-healing. I see my role as a counselor to help you create insight and self-awareness, to facilitate the healing process, and to support you on your journey to finding your strengths and talents and guide you to joyful living. I utilize not only traditional talk therapy in my work with clients but also systems based therapy techniques and hypnosis.
Adult and adolescence individual therapy addresses the following challenges through interpersonal therapy and body-mind techniques:
Stephen Gilligan, Ph.D.
Milton H. Erickson Foundation
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis...
Ronald Alexander
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